Early Childhood Screening
Screening is required by law in the state of MN. All children must be screened prior to starting public kindergarten.
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Early Childhood Screening is a quick and simple check of how your child is growing and developing. Between the ages of 3 and 4, screening can detect possible health or learning concerns, so that children can get help before they start school.
Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is developing and growing and consists of the following components:
• Cognitive development
• Large and small muscle development
• Language and communication skills
• Social and emotional development
• Vision and hearing
• Height and weight
• Health history
• Immunization review
All of the information from your child’s Early Childhood Screening is important to his/her future school success. After the screening, you will know how your child is growing, developing and learning. In order for your child to start kindergarten in any Minnesota public school, you will need to provide your child’s Early Childhood Screening Summary Form and Immunization Record.
The earlier you register the better! Waiting until a child is in school is too long. If your child is between the ages of 3 and 4, please click on the link below to schedule an appointment!
Schedule Early Childhood Screening
Further questions?
Please email Tonya at tonya.larsen@monticello.k12.mn.us or call 763-272-2972.